Wednesday, July 30, 2014


A) Ayam Masak Merah
(a)鸡腿 6只(约850g),盐 1tsp,黄姜粉 1/2tsp,胡椒粉 少许
(b)小洋葱 3个,蒜头 2瓣,姜 1cm,红辣椒 2条,小辣椒 2条
(c)桂皮 2寸,丁香 3个,小豆蔻(cardamom)3个,大洋葱(切片)1个
(d)番茄酱 1/2杯,椰浆 1/2杯,水 1/2杯,盐 1/3tsp,白糖 1Tbsp,罐装青豆 1杯(没放)

  1. 把盐,黄姜粉,胡椒粉放入鸡腿里,腌制30分钟。把材料(b)磨成辣椒糊。
  2. 热油锅,把鸡腿表面煎成金黄色(不用熟),放在吸油纸上吸去多余的油份,待用。
  3. 把2-3Tbsp油留在锅里,中火炒香磨细的(b)料,然后加入(c)料翻炒至洋葱片成透明状态。
  4. 把材料(d)加入(除了青豆),再加入半熟的鸡腿,煮至酱汁稍微收干,然后才加入青豆,即可。

Friday, July 18, 2014

fruit jelly mooncake

Kiwifruit Jelly Mooncakes
    Ingredients: makes 6 
    200g Water
    2 1/2 tbsp Sugar
    1 Pandan leaf
    1 tsp Agar agar powder
    3 tbsp Fresh milk
    a drop of red and egg yellow colouring

    380g Water
    3 1/2 tbsp Sugar (may add a little more sugar for sweeter jellies)
    2 Pandan leaves
    1 3/4 tsp Agar agar powder
    1 1/2 Green kiwifruits
    1 1/2 Gold kiwifruits 
    5-8 Red cherries

  • Boil (A) - water, sugar,agar agar powder and pandan leaf together in a pot at medium heat. Keep stirring mixture with a hand whisk until liquid boiled. Discard pandan leaf and off heat. Add 3 tbsp fresh milk, continue to stir for another one minute.
  • Divide liquid into 2 portions, add two drops of cherry red and egg yellow colouring into each portion and stir well. Pour red and yellow liquid into each cavity evenly. Leave jellies mould to set in the refrigerator.
  • Cut, red cherries, gold and green kiwfruits into cubes and set aside.
  • Boil (B) - water, sugar, agar agar powder and pandan leaves in a pot at medium heat. Keep stirring mixture with a hand whisk until liquid boiled with a hand whisk. Discard pandan leaves and put all the kiwifruits and cherries into it, off heat. Continue to stir well with a spoon for another one minute.
  • Take out jellies mould from the fridge and use a small knife gently scratch the set jellies before adding the kiwifruits mixture on it. This method is to make the agar agar jelly sticks together.
  • Scoop kiwifruits mixture into each cavity evenly and leave to set in refrigerator for at least 2 hours or more.

Do you like these pretty jelly mooncakes ?

soya + jelly moon cake

Does this look like Snowskin Mooncake with  black tau sar?

Tau Huay (Soya Milk) Jelly Mooncakes

    Ingredients - makes 12
      Grass Jelly Filling
      250g Water
      3 1/2 tbsp Sugar
      1 tsp Agar agar powder
      2 Pandan leaves
      100g Grass Jelly - (unsweetened), cut to strips

      OR  use
      100g Grass Jelly - (sweetened), cut to strips - reduce sugar to 1 tbsp + 1 tsp  (about 20g)                
      Tau Huay (Soya Milk) Jelly
      500g Nutri Soy Soya Milk (reduced sugar)
      125g Fresh milk
      45g Sugar
      2 tsp Agar agar powder

  • For making grass jelly filling - use a round plastic cup that is smaller than the jelly mould. (see picture)
  • Boil water, sugar, agar agar powder and pandan leaves together in a pot at medium heat.
  • Keep stirring mixture with a hand whisk until liquid boiled. Discard pandan leaves and off heat. Add grass jelly strips into it, stir well with a spoon for another minute.
  • Pour grass jelly liquid into 12 plastic cups evenly and leave to set in fridge for about 15 minutes. 
  • For Tau Huay (Soya Milk) Jelly - mix all ingredients in a pot, bring to boil at medium heat.
  • Keep stirring during the process so that it will not be burnt. Off heat and stir for another minutes. 
  • Pour some soya milk liquid into moulds till half full. Gently scratch set grass jelly filling with a sharp knife. This will make the agar agar jellies stick together.
  • Place one piece of grass jelly filling in each mould, then fill up the mould with soya milk.
  • Cool and chill jelly mooncakes to set in the refrigerator

mango jelly mooncake

Mango jelly mooncake...................................

i had wanted to make this mango jelly mooncake this mid autumn festival and i bought a packet of mango from the supermarket sometime last week. Since then i was so sick from my flu virus i could not do or cook anything. But today i push myself to make it even though i am still not fully recovered because the packet of mango will not keep for long and also because tomorrow is the mooncake festival and i would not miss my chance of trying out this jelly mooncake!(or else i have to wait until next year)

For mango filling:(makes 9-10 rounds)

1 cup water
60 gm sugar
2 tsp agar-agar powder
1 tbsp condensed milk
60 gm mango puree
40 gm fresh mango cut into small cubes

white jelly skin:(makes 9-10 rounds)

3 1/2 cups water
140 gm sugar
4 pandan leaves knotted
5 tsp agar-agar powder
2 tbsp condensed milk
1/2 cup thick coconut milk

For the filling i boiled together water,sugar and jelly powder. Once mixture start to boil , turn off heat and add in condensed milk,mango puree, and mango cubes. Stir and pour into tart moulds to set.

Set mango filling in tart mould.....................................

Prepared mango fillings......................................................................

mango jelly mooncake set in plastic mould...........................................

For the white skin i boiled together the first four ingredients. Then lower heat and add condensed milk and coconut milk. Stir continuosly til mixture start to bubble and turn off heat. Pour a 1/2 cm layer of jelly skin mixture into round jelly mooncake mould. Let it cool til 3/4 set. Then place a prepared mango filling in the centre of the mould. Top up with the jelly skin mixture and let it set completely before chilling in the fridge. Unmould mango jelly mooncake and keep refrigerated til ready to serve.